Putting saving first before anything else assures you that you have money set aside for your goals before even using up your income for other expenses. A good trick is to set up automatic deposits to your savings account that can be triggered each time you receive your income. Furthermore, make sure to keep your savings in a place that can give more value to your money.
With CIMB Bank, you are sure to get the best value on your savings. Enjoy up to 4% p.a. interest which you can get in three ways. You can maintain a minimum balance of PHP 100,000 in your UpSave and/or GSave account or you can grow your Average Daily Balance (ADB) by PHP 1,000 each month to enjoy a higher rate on your savings. Plus, if you maintain a minimum of PHP 5,000 in your account, you are eligible for FREE Life Insurance coverage that’s worth your ADB up to PHP 250,000.
Third, if you’re 18-25 years old as of January 1, 2021, the CIMB Savings Starter Pack is just for you. All you need to do is deposit at least PHP 500 each month to your UpSave and/or verified GSave account to enjoy 4% p.a. interest plus a Personal Accident Insurance coverage worth PHP 50,000 for free.