The new year is a great time to work on generating additional income to help secure your future. Investing is a great way to build wealth by committing money or capital to something that will give you more profit. There are several types of investments such as stocks, real estate, and businesses.
Take time to study what type of investment you prefer and understand the risks that come with it. Identify a threshold or your risk tolerance to know how much you are willing to invest. Remember, investing comes with risk, but if you are careful enough, your investments can yield rewards twice your capital.
Fund your investments with a CIMB Bank Personal Loan. Apply through our all-digital application using only one ID and one pay slip. Borrow up to P1 million with ZERO disbursement fees when you opt to have your loan deposited to your CIMB account. Absolutely no early settlement fees. Experience the benefits of banking with the most awarded digital bank in the country.
PLUS you can get up to 30% interest rebates on your Personal Loan just by paying your dues consistently and on time. Through the Loan Loyalty program, you can enjoy yearly increasing interest rebates starting with 10% for the first year and up to 30% by the fifth year. All you need to do is pay your monthly loan payments completely and on time! If you’re a CIMB deposit account holder, just apply and get approved for a Personal Loan on or before December 31, 2020 to become eligible.
Reach your life’s goals this 2021 with CIMB Bank!